Monday, January 22, 2007

JStock Portlet 0.6 Released

This portlet is JSR 168 compliant and provides stock information for Japanese market. In this release, using AJAX, JStock portlet reload the content. It is much appreciated if you can provide any feedback to us.

CMS Portlet 0.4 was released

CMS Portlet is JSR 168 compliant portlet which provides a feature of Contents Management System.

Step to run this portlet:
1) Get cms-portlet.war
2) Deploy cms-portlet.war(for the detail, see portal server's document)

VFS Portlet 1.4 Released

Using this portlet, you can access various file system on your Portal. This portlet enables you to access file systems(ex. local file system) via commons-vfs. So, basically, this portlet will support file systems supported by commons-vfs(but I checked only a local file system..). In this release, multi-thread issue was fixed.

To deploy this portlet:
1) Download vfs-portlet.war
2) Deploy vfs-portlet.war(For how to deploy portlet, see portal server's document)

Note: for JBoss Portal, please see this post.

If you want user to access only some specified paths, you can set the following init param in portlet.xml:


The default value is ".*". It means user can access all file/directory. For example, if you want user to access files under /tmp and /home, the value is "/tmp/.*,/home/.*". On the other hand, if you want user not to access files, you can also use "deny-paths".

Saturday, January 13, 2007

Tomahawk Bridge 0.9.1 released

Tomahawk Bridge 0.9.1 was released! It supports Tomahawk 1.1.3 on any portal servers. Using this portlet filter with Faces Resonse Filter, you can use Upload component and some components that uses JavaScript and CSS. In this release, synchronized issue was fixed.

To use Tomahawk Bridge:
1) Add faces-response-filter-0.2.jar, portals-bridges-portletfilter-1.0.jar, tomahawk-bridge-0.9.1.jar, commons-fileupload-1.1.jar and commons-io-1.1.jar to /WEB-INF/lib
2) Modify portlet.xml

For example, if you use the following portlet.xml,

<portlet-app id="vfs-portlets" version="1.0">
<portlet id="VFSNavigator">
<description>VFS Navigator</description>
<display-name>VFS Navigator</display-name>
<title>VFS Navigator</title>

change it to:

<portlet-app id="vfs-portlets" version="1.0">
<portlet id="VFSNavigator">
<description>VFS Navigator</description>
<display-name>VFS Navigator</display-name>
<title>VFS Navigator</title>

Note: you need to set "server" as javax.faces.STATE_SAVING_METHOD in web.xml. Currently, "client" is not supported.

For Portals Portlet Filter, please see Apache Portals Bridges.

Tohamawk Bridge depends on Faces Response Filter. Faces Response Filter provides a feature to rewrite JSF resonse. So, if you create a new other filter, such as Ajax4JSF filter, I think that you can use both Tomahawk and Ajax4JSF components.


Faces Response Filter 0.2 release

Faces Resonse Filter is a portlet filter, and provides a feature to be able to rewrite a response output stream on portlet environment. In this release, synchronized issue was fixed. Using this portlet filter, you can use Tomahawk components with Tomahawk Bridge.