Sunday, November 12, 2006

Helloworld Portlet 1.1 Released

This portlet is educational to learn JSR 168 portlet. To deploy this portlet(helloworld.war), please see your Portal's document.

To build it from the source code, run:
$ mvn install

Blog Portlet 1.5 Released

Blog Portlet is JSR 168 portlet to manage your blog(including comment and trackback features). In this release, i18n bug was fixed.

To deploy this portlet:
1) Download blog.war
2) Deploy blog.war(For how to deploy portlet, see portal server's document)

- For JBoss Portal, please see this post.
- If you encountered "PermGen space" exception, please see this post.

It would be highly appreciated if you could send a feedback to us :)