Tuesday, October 31, 2006

PAL Portal 1.0 Beta 2 Released

PAL Portal is JSR 168 compliant portal server. This portal is Jetspeed2 based server and includes portlets which PAL project provides.

How to install:

  1. Download PALPortal-install-1.0-beta2.jar and PALPortal-portletpack-1.0-beta2.zip from https://sourceforge.jp/projects/pal/files/?release_id=22504#22504
  2. Run installer
    $ java -jar PALPortal-install-1.0-beta2.jar
    Since the installer asks about a location of a portlet pack, specify a path of PALPortal-portletpack-1.0-beta2.zip
  3. Run PAL Portal to execute <INSTALL_DIR>/bin/startup.[sh|bat]
  4. Access http://localhost:8080/palportal to display PAL Portal. Information about Administrator's username/password is admin/admin.

How to uninstall:

  1. Remove the install directory, <INSTALL_DIR>

Thursday, October 19, 2006

JStock Portlet 0.3 Released

This portlet is JSR 168 compliant and provides stock information for Japanese market. It is much appreciated if you can provide any feedback to us

Saturday, October 14, 2006

Google Gadgets Portlet 0.2 Released

Do you want to have many contents on your portal? If yes, try this portlet. This release has almost ALL Google Gadgets as portlet. The number of portlet is over 1500!!

To deploy this portlet:
1) Download googlegadgets.war
2) Deploy googlegadgets.war(For how to deploy portlet, see portal server's document)

Sunday, October 08, 2006

Web Parts Portlet 0.1 Released

Web Parts Portlet is a portlet to display Gadgets and BlogParts components, like Google Gadgets, on a portlet if you specify a code which you want to display.

To deploy this portlet:
1) Download webparts.war
2) Deploy webparts.war(For how to deploy portlet, see portal server's document

Friday, October 06, 2006

Google Gadgets Portlet 0.1 Released

Google Gadgets Portlet enables you to display Google Gadgets on a portlet.

To deploy this portlet:
1) Download googlegadgets.war
2) Deploy googlegadgets.war(For how to deploy portlet, see portal server's document)

If you want to add a new Gadget as a portlet, please add a new entry(like the following) to portlet.xml.

<portlet id="DateTimeGoogleGadget">
<display-name>Date &amp; Time</display-name>
<description>Google Gadgets: Data and Time Gadget</description>
<value>Date &amp; Time</value>
<value>&lt;script src="http://gmodules.com/ig/ifr?url=http://www.google.com/ig/modules/datetime.xml&amp;up_color=blue&amp;synd=open&amp;w=320&amp;h=136&amp;title=Date+%26+Time&amp;border=%23ffffff%7C3px%2C1px+solid+%23999999&amp;output=js"&gt;&lt;/script&gt;</value>
<title>Date &amp; Time</title>
<short-title>Date &amp; Time</short-title>

"jp.sf.pal.googlegadgets.title" is Portlet's title. "jp.sf.pal.googlegadgets.code" is a code of Gadget. "jp.sf.pal.googlegadgets.gadgetUrl" is an URL to modify the gadget code.

If you create an interesting Gadget entry, please send it to me :)

Tuesday, October 03, 2006

PAL Portal 1.0 Beta 1 Released

PAL Portal is JSR 168 compliant portal server. This portal is Jetspeed2 based server and includes portlets which PAL project provides.

How to install:
1. Download PALPortal-install-1.0-beta1.jar and PALPortal-portletpack-1.0-beta1.zip from https://sourceforge.jp/projects/pal/files/?release_id=22030#22030
2. Run installer
$ java -jar PALPortal-install-1.0-beta1.jar
Since the installer asks about a location of a portlet pack, specify a path of PALPortal-portletpack-1.0-beta1.zip
3. Run PAL Portal to execute /bin/startup.[sh|bat]
4. Access http://localhost:8080/palportal to display PAL Portal. Information about Administrator's username/password is admin/admin.

How to uninstall:
1. Delete the install directory,