Monday, September 25, 2006

Japanese Map Portlet 0.1 Released

Japanese Map(jmap) Portlet is JSR 168 portlet to provide a map data for Japan. The map data is provided by ALPSLAB. For the detail about a license of the map data, please check ALPSLAB's site.

To deploy this portlet:
1) Download jmap.war
2) Deploy jmap.war(For how to deploy portlet, see portal server's document)

It would be highly appreciated if you could send a feedback to us :)

Wednesday, September 20, 2006

Blog Portlet 1.4 Released

Blog Portlet is JSR 168 portlet to manage your blog(including comment and trackback features). This release supports Jetspeed2 and JBoss Portal(Not supported Liferay, I found some issues..).

To deploy this portlet:
1) Download blog.war
2) Deploy blog.war(For how to deploy portlet, see portal server's document)

- For JBoss Portal, please see this post.
- If you encountered "PermGen space" exception, please see this post.

It would be highly appreciated if you could send a feedback to us :)

Friday, September 15, 2006

Notepad Portlet 0.3 Released

Notepad Portlet is JSR 168 portlet to provide notepad feature. This release supports Jetspeed2, Liferay and JBoss Portal! Since this portlet is JSR 168 compliant, it will work on others.

To deploy this portlet:
1) Download notepad.war
2) Deploy notepad.war(For how to deploy portlet, see portal server's document)

- For JBoss Portal, please see this post.
- If you encountered "PermGen space" exception, please see this post.

It would be highly appreciated if you could send a feedback to us :)

ToDo List Portlet 0.3 Released

ToDo Portlet is JSR 168 portlet to enable you to manage your todo list. This release supports Jetspeed2, Liferay and JBoss Portal! Since this portlet is JSR 168 compliant, it will work on others.

To deploy this portlet:
1) Download todolist.war
2) Deploy todolist.war(For how to deploy portlet, see portal server's document)

- For JBoss Portal, please see this post.
- If you encountered "PermGen space" exception, please see this post.

It would be highly appreciated if you could send a feedback to us :)

Thursday, September 14, 2006

Address List Portlet 0.3 Released

This portlet help you to manage your address list on your Portal. This release supports Jetspeed2, Liferay and JBoss Portal! Of cource, since this portlet is JSR 168 compliant, it will work on others.

To deploy this portlet:
1) Download addresslist.war
2) Deploy addresslist.war(For how to deploy portlet, see portal server's document)

- For JBoss Portal, please see this post.
- If you encountered "PermGen space" exception, please see this post.

If you see "PermGen space"..

If you encountered "java.lang.OutOfMemoryError: PermGen space", set Java options. For example, I'm using the following options:

JAVA_OPTS="$JAVA_OPTS -Xmx256m -Xms256m -XX:PermSize=256m -XX:MaxPermSize=256m"

Please tune them for your environment :)

Wednesday, September 13, 2006

VFS Portlet 1.2 Released

This release supports Jetspeed2, Liferay and JBoss Portal! Using this portlet, you can access various file system on your Portal. This portlet enables you to access file systems(ex. local file system) via commons-vfs. So, basically, this portlet will support file systems supported by commons-vfs(but I checked only a local file system..).

To deploy this portlet:
1) Download vfs-portlet.war
2) Deploy vfs-portlet.war(For how to deploy portlet, see portal server's document)

Note: for JBoss Portal, please see this post.

If you want user to access only some specified paths, you can set the following init param in portlet.xml:


The default value is ".*". It means user can access all file/directory. For example, if you want user to access files under /tmp and /home, the value is "/tmp/.*,/home/.*". On the other hand, if you want user not to access files, you can also use "deny-paths".

How to Deploy Our Portlet to JBoss Portal

Some PALab's portlets support JBoss Portal(All portlet will support it..). To deploy PALab's portlet which uses JSF implementation(Teeda) to JBoss Portal(JBoss Portal has embedded MyFaces issue..), please see the following instruction:

1) Remove jsf-libs directory

$ cd jboss-portal-2.4.0
$ mv server/default/deploy/jbossweb-tomcat55.sar/jsf-libs/ .

2) Copy Jar files to server/default/deploy/ directory

$ cp jsf-libs/commons-beanutils.jar jsf-libs/commons-codec-1.2.jar jsf-libs/commons-digester-1.6.jar jsf-libs/jstl.jar jsf-libs/myfaces-* server/default/deploy/

3) Remove the following entry in server/default/deploy/jbossweb-tomcat55.sar/conf/web.xml

<description>MyFaces tlds</description>

4) Deploy PALab's portlet :)

Tuesday, September 12, 2006

Updating Portlets

Currently, some portlets we provide do not work on portals other than Jetspeed2 correctly :( But we have MyFaces Bridge 0.8 release now! After replacing with MyFaces Bridge 0.8, they will work on all portal(I think..). So, I'm updating them..

MyFaces Bridge 0.8 Released

MyFaces Bridge 0.8 was released! (I think) it supports Tomahawk 1.1.3 on ALL portal server(dependencies to a special feature for Portal, such as Jetspeed2 HeaderResource, were removed). Using this portlet filter, you can use Upload component and some components that uses JavaScript and CSS. For the test environment, I checked it on Jetspeed2, Liferay and JBoss Portal with IE and/or Firefox. If you have a problem, let us know.

To use MyFaces Bridge:
1) Add portals-bridges-portletfilter-1.0.jar, bridges-myfaces-0.8.jar, commons-fileupload-1.1.jar and commons-io-1.1.jar to /WEB-INF/lib
2) Modify portlet.xml

For example, if you use the following portlet.xml,

<portlet-app id="vfs-portlets" version="1.0">
<portlet id="VFSNavigator">
<description>VFS Navigator</description>
<display-name>VFS Navigator</display-name>
<title>VFS Navigator</title>

change it to:

<portlet-app id="vfs-portlets" version="1.0">
<portlet id="VFSNavigator">
<description>VFS Navigator</description>
<display-name>VFS Navigator</display-name>
<title>VFS Navigator</title>

Note: you need to set "server" as javax.faces.STATE_SAVING_METHOD in web.xml. Currently, "client" is not supported.

For Portals Portlet Filter, please see Apache Portals Bridges.


Saturday, September 09, 2006

Updated MyFaces Bridge in CVS

MyFaces Bridge was updated in CVS. The current code will support all portal! I checked it on Jetspeed2 and Liferay. Check it out!!

Monday, September 04, 2006

MyFaces Bridge Refactoring

I modified MyFaces Bridge in CVS. The latest code does not need portal's special feature, like Jetspeed 2 HeaderResource component, to support JavaScript and CSS with Tomahawk's AddResource. If you want to this bridge on your portal server, you need to create a class which wraps RenderResponse implementation class for the portal. Currently, MyFaces Bridge has a wrapped class for J2(I think, if your portal server is based on Pluto, copying J2 wrapped class, it will work). If I have time, I'll create it for Liferay and JBoss Portal. Of course, your contribute is very welcome.
